'Sarva Sree' means 'Everything is beautiful'. It is a Sanskrit word and a name of a rare raga with only three notes Sa (Do), Ma (Fa) and Pa (So) created by Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna
Sarva Sree Foundation (SSF) is the first and only Carnatic music center in Bangladesh. This music center is offering to enjoy Carnatic music (audio & video) as well as to give lessons in vocal and instrumental.

The syllabus was prepared under the guidance of Sarva Sree's great Guru Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna and was approved by him. The titles of certifications are also given by Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna.
All the lessons of 'Varnams', 'Krithis' and 'Tillanas' given to the students of Sarva Sree Foundation (SSF) are directly recorded by the unparalleled voice of their Guru Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna
The priceless songs of the great composers Thyagaraja, Dikshitar, Shyama Sastri, Purandara Dasar, Annamacharya etc. and Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna's incomparable self compositions have been handed down to the students of Sarva Sree Foundation (SSF) through his disciple Meghna Ameen.